
Geneva passport – what to consider

Our question and answer section today is regarding a passport issue. The following request was sent to us by a friend. Which options does he have if he wants to travel to another country with a Convention Travel Document (or Geneva passport) to meet his family? And what difficulties may arise?Our lawyer Angelika provides legal information.


The Geneva Refugee Convention passport (also called “blue passport” or Geneva Passport) is only recognized as a travel document by the 145 countries worldwide that have joined the Geneva Refugee Convention (GRC). Unfortunately, the United Arab Emirates (which includes Dubai) have not joined. Most of the arab countries have not signed this convention.

In Germany, a German passport renewal or a new application can only be done by the German person himself. This requires an appearance in person. I can imagine that this is also the case in Syria. The father-in-law could then not apply for a Syrian passport for your friend in Syria.

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