
My dreamed future

Creating perspectives: that's the topic of our current print edition. Feminists talk about being a woman, escape and freedom.

Maniza Khalid talks about her engagement for LGBTQIA+Muslims and the book “Queer Muslim Futures“.  It is about her dream of  her future. The 24 years old female author lives in Delhi, India. The talk is led by Jenny Fleischmann vom kohero Magazin.

Who are you? How would you describe yourself?

Maniza Khalid: I’m Maniza and I generally feel out of place – doesn’t matter where I am, it could be a café I like or my own bed. I’m flickering between this realm and others. To keep myself grounded in this plane of reality, I drink excess tea and coffee. Also, I’m non-binary (they/she) and bisexual. 

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Kategorie & Format
Jenny kommt aus Hamburg und studiert aktuell Geographie. Sie begeistert sich seit sie denken kann für Sprache. Sie liest sehr gerne und schreibt eigene Gedichte und Texte, u.a. für kohero.
Kohero Magazin